Statement of changes in equity

Statement of changes in equity for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2019
All figures in €'000Equity attributable to MLP SE shareholders
Share capitalCapital reservesGains/losses from changes in the fair value of available-for-sale secureties*Revaluation gains/losses related to defined benefit obligetions after taxesRetained earnings Total Minority interests Total shareholders' equity
As of January 1, 2018 109,335148,754959-12,184158,072404,935-404,935
Effects from the first-time adoption of IFRS 9/IFRS 15---959-8,8077,848-7,848
As of January 1, 2018 109,335148,754--12,184166,880412,783-412,783
Treasury stock-168----556-724--724
Share-based payment -473---473-473
Transactions with owners-168473---22,422-22,117--22,117
Net profit ----34,49434,494-34,494
Other comprehensive income ----333--333--333
Total comprehensive income----33334,49434,160-34,160
As of Dec. 31, 2018109,167149,227--12,518178,951424,826-424,826
As of January 1, 2019109,167149,227--12,518178,951424,826-424,826
Acquisition of treasury stock168---555722-722
Share-based payment -626---626-626
Transactions with owners168626---21,312-20,518--20,518
Net profit ----37,32737,327-40236,925
Other comprehensive income ----5,030--5,030--5,030
Total comprehensive income----5,03037,32732,297-40231,895
Changes to the scope of consolidation (acquisition of the DI Group) ------1,1891,189
As of Dec. 31, 2019109,334149,853--17,547194,966436,605787437,392

The notes on the statement of changes in equity appear in Note 30.